Friday, January 7, 2011

Surprises From a Nug Pornographer

For my last post, I wanted an image of a scarf with weed leaves on it. Searching google images of a “puff puff pashimna” wasn’t successful, yet I stumbled upon something even better. On his Cannabis Culture blog, Matt Mernagh mentioned my fashion participation on The Mernahuana Show. 

This is fantastic!

Although I have been falling behind on sharing my fashion information on the show, I continue to brainstorm. A pro-weed t-shirt contest and a live-from-the-lounge stoner style interview are among my top ideas.
Nug porn + visual merchandising
accessories is my dream.
Matt is definitely one of the most productive potheads I know, check out his awesome nug porn at and his blog


  1. thank u for the amazing kind words. great style too. our shows will get better in Feb when i have time to really focus on them.

  2. where can i buy the sweater on the second picture?
